Im not the master of litestep yet and I was wondering if any expoerts still alive can ansrew my question:
My Start menu and quicklaunch bar no longer work. Clicking on it does nothing. I don't remember doing anything to screw up LS. Can anybody out there explain to me how to fix this problem???
What theme are you using? Are you running litestep over explorer?
Try recycling or restarting litestep, that usually does the trick. If you dont know you can use Ctrl+Alt+F1 to bring up a litestep rescue type menu and recycle from there.
I recycled, restarted and everything. The problem won't go away, no matter what theme I use. I dont run explorer, but I have XP and the other username does. I don't see how this would effect it though cause it was working fine until yesterday. Is there a file I can fix or anything like that to get it working again?
type into lsxcommand !popup and see if it comes up. if it does, then it's just the label or shortcut that you click on that isn't working. then we'll need to see the code for the label/shortcut.
Sounds more like someone edited popup.rc and took off ~New
Well, the !popup in lsxcommand pops up my right-click menu. If my right-click menu and the start menu are the same thing, then it must be the shortcut buttons that just don't work. If you can tell me how to make the start menu and quicklaunch button work then I would be graciously happy. Thanks for the help.
Am I the only one who has had trouble with these things? I don't know whythe start menu only worked with me in Austerity, but out of the many others I tried it doesnt work.
the theme you're using probably has an incorrectly configured shortcut/label which calls !popup. but without knowing what theme, or the code used, I can't help too much.
Well i guess the best thing to do is use a theme without those buttons then. Thanks for trying anyway.
well, you could always look at the theme and try to figure it out...LS isn't THAT difficult...
Well I wouldn't know what to look for or how to fix it. Its kinda a problem that just popped up for no reason and wont go away.
Look at the config files for your theme, and look at the mdule docs.
YAYYY. I got it to work again. But its full of clutter and a bunch of folders i no longer use. I'm sorry I'm not a newb i just never learned how to do this, but where do i edit the start menu popup?
its the same as your right click popup, no?
probably in popup.rc in your personal folder
Actualy for some reason its not the same thing as the right click popup, so popup.rc has nothing to do with it.
then look in the theme's configs. maybe a file named themepopup.rc or something.
Thanks deuce, Funkyd00d and everyone else that did their best to help me out and it was in the theme's configs like you said. Sorry for the tough problems. :(