I was wonder if someone could help me make my desktop perfect. You see two things bug me about it, one how can I make my bottom menu as well as my top menu "always on top" I am using the litestep enhanced theme(here my desktop
http://members.shaw.ca/gabuchholz/potd/desktop.jpg) second I want to know how to change the size that my windows maximize to...they all seem to maximize to high which is over my top menu bar :(
IF anyone could help me fix these problems I would be really exstatic, thnx GLen B
Loading a module like Jdesk or desktop2 will let you set the desktop area, the area in which windows maximize. So you could change it to not maximize over your bars. Find out which desktop module your using and look at its documentation and you should be able to figure it out. BTW, your link doesnt work.
Thanks for the info, one problem with this thought, I can't find the line that contains "desktop.dll" in my step.rc file, its not there at all. And when I add the "LoadModule c:\litestep\jdesk.dll" line my whole litestep freeses. heres a copy and paste of step.rc.
; define critical folder locations
ModulesDir "$LiteStepDir$modules\"
PersonalDir "$LiteStepDir$personal\"
ThemesDir "$LiteStepDir$themes\"
; NetLoadModule configuration
LoadModule "$LiteStepDir$NLM\NetLoadModule2.dll"
*NetLoadModuleSite "http://www.shellfront.org/modules/"
NetLoadModulePath "$ModulesDir$"
NetLoadModuleDocPath "$ModulesDir$docs\"
NetLoadModuleZipPath "$ModulesDir$archive\"
NetLoadModuleAliasFile "$LiteStepDir$NLM\NetLoadModule.ini"
; load personal settings and theme
include "$ThemesDir$themeselect.rc"
include "$PersonalDir$personal.rc"
include "$ThemeDir$theme.rc"
well, litestep will freeze if you load more than one desktop module, so you have to remove the one you are using now before adding another one. all theme configurations will be in theme.rc in the themes directory, look in there
ok, you're looking at the wrong file. you actually want to put that into the theme.rc
Yeah, I figured that out yesterday. Everything is working perfect except the Always on top thing, but I guess I can live without that...for now.
for always on top, you can try changing the settings of the individual modules that make up the bar... look in their readmes, most modules can set themselves always on top... for ones that can't, you can use
Zorder sounds promissing, only one problem, the readme is rather lacking. I have no clue how get started. I took a guess and an error "could not find..." kept coming up.
help please.:)
I am not sure, besides including it on load, how to get started. It tells me examples such as:*zorder RainmeterMeterWindow
but does nto tell me where to put them in the theme.rc or step.rc file nor does it tell me the exact parameters to put in *zorder [xxxxxx]...:(
"What's Unclear"
"I am not sure"
Lol thats how confused he is :)
Its called grammer. Before commenting, read, it you take what is surrounded by commas out, then it will read: "I am not sure how to get started". Some people...
I was just pointing out something i thought was humorous. Sorry i pissed you off lol.
i rest my case.. /me looks down at signature ;)
I'm sorry, its just I am going crazy trying to figure this thing out... could someone post a example say to make the geekamp controls always on top? thnx
gabucholz: just create a new section (just like the other sections) for zorder. you can put it in the middle, in the end, anyplace. doesn't matter.
ok, I figured that much out today, but I still don't know how to setup the "geekamp" modual to be on top. I know I have to use "*zorder []" but I am not sure how to call on the modual. help..plz
uh, just like any other module? for the reading impaired:
*netloadmodule zorder-0.2
I already knew that. What I want to know is how to made the actuall moduals always on top using the "*zorder []" function. I can make lsxcommand always on top using "*zorder lsxcommand" but when I type "*zorder geekamp" it says can't find the target geekamp... somthing like that. So how can I make the rest of my desktop alwaysontop?
i believe you have to use the window class, not the module name. lsxcommand works because the window class is the same as the module name, but geekamp doesnt have a window, it is controlled by other modules, most likely shortcuts. so try *zorder shortcutclass
*nods at doy
yep, you got it, only it needs the class name. you can identify the class name (and, if needed, the window name) using something like literunner or winspy.