Posted by member 76292 on 2003-10-30 20:11:56 link

Thanks for the info, one problem with this thought, I can't find the line that contains "desktop.dll" in my step.rc file, its not there at all. And when I add the "LoadModule c:\litestep\jdesk.dll" line my whole litestep freeses. heres a copy and paste of step.rc.
; define critical folder locations

ModulesDir "$LiteStepDir$modules\"
PersonalDir "$LiteStepDir$personal\"
ThemesDir "$LiteStepDir$themes\"

; NetLoadModule configuration

LoadModule "$LiteStepDir$NLM\NetLoadModule2.dll"
*NetLoadModuleSite ""
NetLoadModulePath "$ModulesDir$"
NetLoadModuleDocPath "$ModulesDir$docs\"
NetLoadModuleZipPath "$ModulesDir$archive\"
NetLoadModuleAliasFile "$LiteStepDir$NLM\NetLoadModule.ini"

; load personal settings and theme

include "$ThemesDir$themeselect.rc"
include "$PersonalDir$personal.rc"
include "$ThemeDir$theme.rc"