Posted by member 37809 on 2003-08-01 20:59:23 link

You would still have to specially format foobar2000's title, if you wanted to use label's string functions to grab time info separate from title/other info for use in different labels. "Delim" is probably short for "delimiter" (isn't really a word, but this would be the noun version of the verb "delimit").

Delimiters serve as boundaries (with the ends of the strings being parsed implicit as boundaries, too) when you use some string function. They are typically single characters.

For example, I use the '.' and '-' characters here as delimiters: [trim(between(windowTitle('Winamp v1.x'), '.', '-'))]

[windowTitle('Winamp v1.x')] would normally get something (using default winamp settings) like: 8. Artist Name - Track Name - Winamp

Using the above is basically what [winampTitle] does, grabbing the portion between the first '.', and apparently up the last '-' (it doesn't stop after the Artist Name).