Foobar2000 0.7 Thread last updated on 2003-08-03 08:02:13

Posted by member 39367 on 2003-07-19 19:11:50

Ive recently switched to this audio player and all i can say is that i love it. Its incredible! I got all my hotkeys set up and eliminated the need for the winamp control box (which i got a new module to do that for foobar). Now i cant get the title scroller to work. Is there a module that does this? I checked and they didnt have anything like a title scoller but i did find a way to do it on the LSML archive, but that was dated and didnt work. Any ideas?

Posted by member 1 on 2003-07-19 19:29:37 link

All you need to do is use Label and have the proper window class name and things will work fine.

Posted by member 39367 on 2003-07-19 19:34:38 link

I got it to work now.

Posted by member 3017 on 2003-08-01 12:55:16 link

ok. One more question. I am using Maestro's tenebrae theme and he displays the song information in two labels. One for the name, which is scrolling, and one for the remaining time. Is there any way to extract via label.dll from foobar? Now I am only able to let label.dll display the song name and the remaining time in one label, which is scrolling. But can someone advice me how to split that up, so that I have two labels again?

Posted by member 182 on 2003-08-01 13:55:44 link

foobar2000 doesn't provide 2 easily 'rippable' window classes, so no you can't have a seperate time display.

i use this for my foobar title
'('$if(%artist%,$caps([%artist%]),$caps2($replace([%_filename%],_, )))')' $caps2([%title%])$if(%artist%,' @' [%__bitrate%kbps],) '[ '[%_time_elapsed%]'/'[%_time_total%]' ]'

i find it shows pretty much everything you need to know :)

Posted by member 3017 on 2003-08-01 16:14:58 link

Thanks Psynpase. I will try your foobar title. I thought there would be something possible with that "afterLast(x, delim) " or whatever label.dll stuff. But as there is no example in the readme of label (and I am a dumb, no coder and no English speaking person (what does "delim" mean btw)) I could not really follow the meaning of this.

Posted by member 37809 on 2003-08-01 20:59:23 link

You would still have to specially format foobar2000's title, if you wanted to use label's string functions to grab time info separate from title/other info for use in different labels. "Delim" is probably short for "delimiter" (isn't really a word, but this would be the noun version of the verb "delimit").

Delimiters serve as boundaries (with the ends of the strings being parsed implicit as boundaries, too) when you use some string function. They are typically single characters.

For example, I use the '.' and '-' characters here as delimiters: [trim(between(windowTitle('Winamp v1.x'), '.', '-'))]

[windowTitle('Winamp v1.x')] would normally get something (using default winamp settings) like: 8. Artist Name - Track Name - Winamp

Using the above is basically what [winampTitle] does, grabbing the portion between the first '.', and apparently up the last '-' (it doesn't stop after the Artist Name).

Posted by member 3017 on 2003-08-03 08:02:13 link

I see. I will play around with this. Thanks People!

Update: Cool. It works. Thank's a lot. Be sure to stop for a beer should you come to Germany ;-)