Posted by member 49145 on 2003-07-13 16:34:24 link

could you maybe add title scroll funcitonality? I have yet to find a module that is able to scroll song title from winamp3, so if you were to put that functionality into geekamp, you'd have something no other module has.. I don't imagine it's too hard... I'd do it myself if I know how ot make these modules, but as of yet I'm still a LS n00b.

winamp3, with the right skin and a couple plugins, is far superior to winamp 2x.. if you are open minded and wanna give it a shot here's my personal recomandations (I use to hate winamp3 as well)

skin: MMD3
I would suggest setting the eq in full mode, then running it in only window shade mode, there's really no reason for the others
Explorer bar
The above mentioned winamp2x plugin manager
and if you're a shotcast person grab your favorite shotcast plugin, there's several.

the MMD3 skin provides all the perks you could ever want in a funtional, simple skin, the only thing it's missing is that explorer bar.