Posted by member 22915 on 2003-05-07 15:38:01 link
Sorry to drag this back up after so long, but I'm having problems. Using datebang and skinbox, I'm able to get the indicator up, but I can't get the thing to reload. Whatever I try, to run the DOWUpdate thing, I get an "uninitialized variable" error, without telling me what variable is unintisalized. So I still have to recycle every time the day changes, which is wrecking havoc with my vwm. would I go about using mzScript? I never quite understood what it was for, or how to use it? (and, how woul I go about using it in this context?) would I go about using mzScript? I never quite understood what it was for, or how to use it? (and, how woul I go about using it in this context?)