Posted by member 576 on 2003-04-03 03:30:23 link

Thanks Milk...been around the litestep scene for years upon years upon get the drift...I really don't post often, Probly no more then 50-70 posts in 3+ years but I I've seen various litestep.nets come and go (me/ hopes not to jinx currnt iteration...btw...DeViLbOi you've done an excellent job with the site, props to the devs as well.) Watched ls2k come and go (me/ wipes small tear from eye.) Floach.Pimping trying to hang in there, I even remember the litestep portal...d@rn I feel old. I've always tried to help when I felt like speakin' up. Well enough of mammary lane. /me returns thred back to inBoil's systray prob. :)