Posted by member 396811 on 2008-02-13 11:32:11 link

I use it mostly just for movie viewing. Have another desktop that is hooked up to a speaker system for music. I'm anti-MS so I dont use WMP unless I -have- to. I also use Real because a lot of the music I obtain is in m4a format which is Real's lil personal format. I tried the different versions of EcyStep that have various winamp mods and since they dont change my hotkey.rc and vk104, the only thing they'd need is the call to a mod that would do it, and both dynAmp and geekAmp use the !Amp bang but neither are actually working for my music browsing buttons (as previously stated, my volume/mute IS working through use of LsSlider.) Sorry for the late response, was up until almost 5AM est trying to fix this or troubleshoot. ALSO EcyStep will -not- run on 1.35 or greater if you call to (load) LsSlider. No big deal since i like the original big version which it -does- work on. Though i -do- like the 'start button' the newer ones have, but I -have- discovered it's something in the xtaskbar that causes LsSlider to crash the theme. If I comment the loading of xtaskbar the theme loads, but the taskbar isnt docked at the bottom.