Posted by member 1 on 2005-12-14 23:46:32 link

When I started using LiteStep I was banned from the sole irc channel for asking a question and there was no website to post questions on. You just had to signup for a mailing list, troll through 150 messages a day, and hope someone found your question worthy enough to be answered. Personally I have no problem with people asking questions here. My problem starts as soon as people don't research or try to fix a problem on their own. This question to me isn't even a LiteStep question. If you don't know how to change the color scheme of your Windows you need to RTFWM. The fact that LS changed it should have nothing to do with resolving it right away. Now, if you also would have RTFM'd the OTS2 docs you would have found a theme.ini setting to change to fix this. But you were lazy and posted you get flamed. Deal with it.