Posted by member 7 on 2003-03-19 01:48:39 link

Most themes I have seen only used the math evaluation for resolution independence. Like TasksX $ResolutionX-200$. That's rather silly of course because -200 would have done the same. Except when you're dealing with multiple monitors maybe, but for that I'd rather see a clean solution like the named multimon code than some math hacks. Ant there aren't that many multimon themes at the moment anyway. What else is the math evaluation used for?
Oh and I didn't mean to completely remove it, just replace it with something better if we find something that we like.

DeViLbOi: umm... the math evaluation code in .7 is a copy&paste of the Indie LS code... except that a few lines had to be changed to make it fit into the .7 code, which is where the bug was introduced. Should be fixed.