Posted by member 248213 on 2005-08-04 02:48:41 link

No!, we are both saying that it can be done.

Yes!, Desktop Icons can be made moveable, and have their positions saved!

You can do exactly what you want with xDesktop.

xDesktop is a Litestep module.

A module is what gives Litestep its different parts (like the popup menu, or in this case Desktop icons)

There are many different modules that do the same thing (in this case Icons on the desktop: IconDesk, Deskfolders, xDesktop etc)

xDesktop is the only Desktop Icon module that provides saving.
You are probably using one of the other modules (you could check in the theme.rc file :o )

You can get xDesktop here:

Read the documentation for the module (its in the zip file)

You should be able to figure out your problems after reading the f%*%ing manual.

ps: You seem a total n00b so go and read this too: