Posted by member 109035 on 2004-08-28 06:38:25 link

Well, I made the mistake of not thinking, and installed sp2 without switching to the explorer shell. Now everytime I reboot into LS I get this on 2 separate dialog boxes:

box1. a previous instance of litestep was detected. are you sure you want to continue?

box2. you are currently runnning another shell, while litestep b24 allows you to run under explorer, we don't advise it for inexperienced users, and we will not support it, so do so at your own risk.

if you continue, some of the advanced features of litestep will be disabled such as the desktop. the wharf, hotkeys, and shortcuts will still work.

to get rid of this message next time, put LSNoShellWarning in your step.rc


So I put LSNoShellWarning in step.rc, but I still get a warning on the first dialog box. The funny thing about the 2nd error is explorer.exe isn't running as a process, so I really don't get it.