Just wondering if anyone out there has installed SP2 with LS yet. I don't really expect there to be any issues, but you never know...
I've had SP4 installed for a while now with no trouble. ;)
thelorax means for Windows XP.
I would like to know how this goes, before I put SP2 on my work machine and completely fark it :)
why would a service pack skrew up your machine? the two are 99.9% completely seperate. Now...you should update your service pack from within the explorer shell since that is what it is expecting...but LS ahs worked with windows for years and years now...its not going to stop.
Why wouldn't SP2 screw up the machine is a better question. M$ have been going on and on about SP2 and it is a lot more than just and normal service pack like those for win2k. It is going to change core functions of the OS and how they work.
While i agree the shell is seperate, that doesn't mean it won't impact LS. A web browser should be independant of the OS, but that doesn't stop IE being a "core" function of everything in Windows from the file explorer to calculator ;)
well yes...you always have that fact that M$ can never get anything right...but it has nothing to do with LS
I run SP2 and all works perfect as before (only one new systray icon appears, the *** security one)
I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm keeping with my normal policy, and not installing SP2 for at LEAST a month.
Waiting for two months myself.
i have to wait, there's no spanish version yet, but i dont see the reason for waiting, as many of the problems it has have already been detected in the rc (like the limit of tcp/ip connections, but there's already a patch availible for that)
I'm waiting because of NT SP6.
yep, NT had a history of service packs gone awry. SP5 broke more things than it fixed and SP6 broke one program specifically - Lotus Notes. which at the time was the dominant corporate email client. pressure from most major companies caused M$ to release 6a.
the interesting note to this story is how they broke notes. apparantly one of the Windows DLL files had a flaw in it. it was coded wrong, but it worked and affected nothing, so it was overlooked and left alone. well, notes used this DLL file and somehow worked because of the flaw in it. M$ being who they are, found this out and in an attempt to help get Outlook off the ground, fixed the flaw. which in turn stopped notes dead on thousands of Fortune 500 machines. not a good way to keep on the public's good side. Lotus blamed M$ for changing one of their files without notifying other large companies so there was no time to react, and companies freaked out. so SP6a was introduced with this one file put back to the orignal version.
and the point to all of this? wait a few months before you trust M$ because you never know what might break with an update.
Installed SP2 this afternoon and all seems to be working fine. No errors or complaints :)
I installed SP2 and whenever i login to my acount, i get the message "another instance of litestep is running continue?"
Is there any way to get rid of this?
Is this caused by SP2?
Where did you guys get SP2, anyway??! According to the M$ website, the only way you can get it is thru WIndows Update, but it doesnt even show up on there... (?)
it's in microsoft's downloads page.
if you really want it, then go here:
But isnt that only for IT networks? like alarge network?
I have Win XP professional. is that what i want? Or do I wait until it's released in Windows update?
SP2 is SP2, there isn't more than one version.
the only difference is file size. if you get the smaller size one, then it downloads the rest of the files while it installs. if you get the larger size one, then everything is already on your hdd.
...and the primary intended purpose of the larger one is mass installation across networks. That is why the information given to you appears to be directed exclusively to network administrators. However, the larger version can be convenient to a home user if it ever comes time to reinstall Windows; simply browse to your backup install file and double-click to apply the pack to your reinstall; no downloading, no waiting, no internet access required.
Microsoft (alone) would prefer individual users use the smaller version. Perhaps this is simply for "simplicity's sake", allowing only the required components be downloaded an installed (?ha?), but they mos def like to keep tabs on how many pirated copies of Windows are being used by having each installation of Windows call home ;).
really a load of bull#$#$ !!
been running LS with Windows Server 2003 Enterprise
Version 5.2 Bld 3790 srv03_rtm030324-2048
stable as a rock wich is basicly windows XP
with SP4 !! streamed it with the install was really easy
even with the use of netload no probs (as yet )
if this is just jibbirsh i give up M$ is a toy so stop complaining
to Liquid Circuit: Thanks your reply helped!! =)
to KriOni...... "WHAT?!?$"
since i installed sp2 ive noticed a lot more cpu usage activity, i unloaded windows blinds and it seems to calm downa bit, but it still feels a bit laggy. Maybe its ls?
sp2 enables a few more services and "features" which would account for it being more laggy. i'd have to go back and read the notes, but there is a feature that changes the way some programs use other parts of the OS. it's made for security, but apparantly it's broken a large number of programs so far. when i can find the info on this again i'll post it here. i doubt it affects LS but it's possible.
Mirthless: word homie. :P
Well, I made the mistake of not thinking, and installed sp2 without switching to the explorer shell. Now everytime I reboot into LS I get this on 2 separate dialog boxes:
box1. a previous instance of litestep was detected. are you sure you want to continue?
box2. you are currently runnning another shell, while litestep b24 allows you to run under explorer, we don't advise it for inexperienced users, and we will not support it, so do so at your own risk.
if you continue, some of the advanced features of litestep will be disabled such as the desktop. the wharf, hotkeys, and shortcuts will still work.
to get rid of this message next time, put LSNoShellWarning in your step.rc
So I put LSNoShellWarning in step.rc, but I still get a warning on the first dialog box. The funny thing about the 2nd error is explorer.exe isn't running as a process, so I really don't get it.
I've had SP2 for about two weeks. No problems so far (I haven't noticed anything) except that there are security warnings now and then.
I installed SP2 while running litestep and haven't had a single issue.
I would highly recommend SP2 for anyone who uses custom icon pack with LS. SP2 fixed the blinking icon in LS's taskbar bug that I had.
kremisos26: Maybe uninstall LS, reboot, Reinstall LS, reboot, and see if the errors are still there.
It seems like your windows is loading Litestep before you load it, or something...
errr...this thread is so old Im locking it. Please people...stop raising the dead.