Posted by member 7991 on 2004-08-18 13:35:03 link

I'd suggest you pick a few themes that you'd like to install, then download the required modules manually (see Cerbie's message above for locations), and tranfer those to your home computer or whatever you are tring to use litestep on. Make sure you get the correct versions. It is a pain in the @$$, agreed. That was my only complaint when OTS2 was introduced. Anything that is entirely reliant on an internet connection will eventually screw you. It's the same with the giant screen shots on this site; not very considerate to the people with dialup (considering alot of the screen shots are larger than the theme it self). But luckily I have a really nice cable connection at the moment. It's a shame there isn't a smaller screenshot fro 56k'ers (in addition to the larger screenshots).

Edit: I should note the I do appreciate the ease of install of themes if you DO HAVE a connection to the internet due to the OTS2.