Posted by member 1 on 2003-03-08 14:52:26 link

A personal note on themeing.

Anyone can make a theme thats fits their liking. I will agree with everyone that the step.rc can be a little hectic when you first look at it, but a good theme can simplify everything. If you can understand basic syntax, like include, you should really have no problems with your theme. LiteStep by design requires users to be able to confidently make basic assumptions. For example, settings such as SystrayX and CommandX will effect the X location of that module. If you are unable to confidently make that assumption pull out the documentation for all modules you have and look up every entry.

In the end, if you continue to have problems even though you have read the docs, PLEASE try and join one of the irc channels that support LiteStep. People are more than happy to help you out as long as you do not use them like a crutch.