Posted by member 4153 on 2004-06-09 22:51:39 link

well, i've pretty much given up on subclass and have been working with xlabel. though i'm not having much luck here either. it seems to make sense to hook a label into the lsbox. xlabel is loading before lsbox. i added
*ModuleHook !LabelLSBoxHook Slide

to the .box file. And i added the following lines to the theme.rc.
;*Label Slide
SlideWidth 365
SlideHeight 25
SlideOnWheelUp !SliderVolumeUp
SlideOnWheelDown !SliderVolumeDown

i'm kind of confused about the statement "Make sure that you do not put the same name in both a *ModuleHook and a *Label command. " in the instructions, so i played with commenting out the "*Label" line....

Any thoughts on this? thx!

btw, i'm using xlabel-3.0.5 and i just updated the LS build to RC3.