Posted by member 144637 on 2004-04-22 00:59:16 link

Finally did it... WooHooo. Theme I was using had a button on the top to hide icons. I took out the label and script to hide it. Then , I made a few more labels and scripts to show buttons. When a button is clicked, the showicons for that label in turn active a script as such:
*Script bang !ShowButton1
*Script exec !LabelHide LabelShowButton1
*Script exec !LabelShow LabelShowButton2
*Script exec !LabelShow LabelShowDesktop
*Script exec !IconDeskShow Button1
*Script exec !IconDeskHide Button2
*Script exec !IconDeskHide DTop
*script exec !varsaveall
*Script ~bang

And it hides the button for the one you just clicked. Works like a charm. Wanted to get this so I can start themeing. Now has 3 buttons on my fake theme, one to show desktop, one to show my quicklaunch, and one to show my mp3 folder... how nice! Thanks for the idea sega, just thought it could be done with icondesk, and being that I am a self-proclaimed newb, I wanted to stay a little more basic.
