Posted by member 124967 on 2004-02-24 04:41:18 link

There are basically two ways I know to do something against that problem.
1. Use VWMFix The problem here is that windows can get around that when they use more than one class und in fact you might have to specify them all what can be quite annoying. So it works from time to time...
Does that actually keep the class on the desktop I put it at all?

2. It is cheeky and not very elaborate, but when I just don't maximise the windows then they stay... So just playing around with VWMRestore X,Y,Height,Width and make it as if it would be maximised then minimise and restore and it looks like what it should but doesn't jump anymore.

BUT: I feel that there has to be a better solution.

P.S.: Thanks I will check that out.