Posted by member 37809 on 2003-11-13 09:57:34 link

It's possible to have vertical tasks with taskbar3 and some scripting for now, until if ever it gets fully implemented into the module itself.

The following is untested btw; you may not need to hide the taskbar when you have zero tasks if you have a border or a nonzero initial TaskbarHeight?
; step:
TaskbarHeight 4
TaskbarOnAdd !taskbaronadd
TaskbarOnDel !taskbarondel

myTaskButtonHeight 20

; script:

*script bang !taskbaronadd
*script exec !varadd tasks 1
*script gotoif ("%{tasks}" = "1") show
*script exec !TaskbarLines %{tasks}
*script exec !TaskbarGrow 0 $myTaskButtonHeight$
*script exit
*script label show
*script exec !TaskbarShow
*script ~bang

*script bang !taskbarondel
*script exec !varadd tasks -1
*script gotoif ("%{tasks}" = "0") hide
*script exec !TaskbarLines %{tasks}
*script exec !TaskbarShrink 0 -$myTaskButtonHeight$
*script exit
*script label hide
*script exec !TaskbarHide
*script ~bang

Alternatively you can multiply the number of tasks by your task button height, add any padding and size the taskbar each time, and/or also do it this way to autosize an lsbox in which the taskbar is contained.