Posted by member 51749 on 2003-11-11 11:15:39 link
Label 1.98
evars include Temperature, Conditions, Wind, Barometer, RainChance, CondImg.
and well, heres the label part of my .rc
evars include Temperature, Conditions, Wind, Barometer, RainChance, CondImg.
and well, heres the label part of my .rc
Labels gwback, gwtxt, gwimg, gwSat, gwIso, gwRad, gwUpdate, gwleft, gwright
;Replace with whatever background works with your theme (batteries not included).
gwbackY 2
gwbackX 1020
gwbackwidth 260
gwbackheight 56
gwbackimage $ThemeDir$images\tron\bar\weatherdeskback.png
;gwbackOnMouseEnter !SatImgShow
;gwbackOnMouseLeave !SatImgHide
;Text for the label - replace with anything you like.
gwtxtY 4
gwtxtX 1070
gwtxtWidth 200
gwtxtHeight 52
gwtxtJustify Left
gwtxtText "Conditions: $Conditions$\nTemperature: $Temperature$\nWind: $Wind$\nPressure: $Barometer$\nChance of Rain: $RainChance$"
gwtxtOnMouseEnter !SatImgShow
gwtxtOnMouseLeave !SatImgHide
;GetWeatherImage - mess with the placement, but dont touch the var.
gwimgY 10
gwimgX 1030
gwimgWidth 35
gwimgHeight 30
gwimgImage $WX1CondImage$
gwSatY 60
gwSatX -440
gwSatWidth 440
gwSatHeight 297
gwSatImage $SatImg$
gwIsoY 60
gwIsoX -410
gwIsoWidth 410
gwIsoHeight 287
gwIsoImage $IsoImg$
gwRadY 60
gwRadX -240
gwRadWidth 240
gwRadHeight 240
gwRadImage $RadImg$
gwleftY 45
gwleftX 1028
gwleftWidth 9
gwleftHeight 9
gwleftOnLeftClick !prevImg
gwleftJustify Center
gwleftText ""
;Replace with whatever background works with your theme (batteries not included).
gwbackY 2
gwbackX 1020
gwbackwidth 260
gwbackheight 56
gwbackimage $ThemeDir$images\tron\bar\weatherdeskback.png
;gwbackOnMouseEnter !SatImgShow
;gwbackOnMouseLeave !SatImgHide
;Text for the label - replace with anything you like.
gwtxtY 4
gwtxtX 1070
gwtxtWidth 200
gwtxtHeight 52
gwtxtJustify Left
gwtxtText "Conditions: $Conditions$\nTemperature: $Temperature$\nWind: $Wind$\nPressure: $Barometer$\nChance of Rain: $RainChance$"
gwtxtOnMouseEnter !SatImgShow
gwtxtOnMouseLeave !SatImgHide
;GetWeatherImage - mess with the placement, but dont touch the var.
gwimgY 10
gwimgX 1030
gwimgWidth 35
gwimgHeight 30
gwimgImage $WX1CondImage$
gwSatY 60
gwSatX -440
gwSatWidth 440
gwSatHeight 297
gwSatImage $SatImg$
gwIsoY 60
gwIsoX -410
gwIsoWidth 410
gwIsoHeight 287
gwIsoImage $IsoImg$
gwRadY 60
gwRadX -240
gwRadWidth 240
gwRadHeight 240
gwRadImage $RadImg$
gwleftY 45
gwleftX 1028
gwleftWidth 9
gwleftHeight 9
gwleftOnLeftClick !prevImg
gwleftJustify Center
gwleftText ""