Label 1.98
evars include Temperature, Conditions, Wind, Barometer, RainChance, CondImg.
and well, heres the label part of my .rc
Labels gwback, gwtxt, gwimg, gwSat, gwIso, gwRad, gwUpdate, gwleft, gwright
;Replace with whatever background works with your theme (batteries not included).
gwbackY 2
gwbackX 1020
gwbackwidth 260
gwbackheight 56
gwbackimage $ThemeDir$images\tron\bar\weatherdeskback.png
;gwbackOnMouseEnter !SatImgShow
;gwbackOnMouseLeave !SatImgHide
;Text for the label - replace with anything you like.
gwtxtY 4
gwtxtX 1070
gwtxtWidth 200
gwtxtHeight 52
gwtxtJustify Left
gwtxtText "Conditions: $Conditions$\nTemperature: $Temperature$\nWind: $Wind$\nPressure: $Barometer$\nChance of Rain: $RainChance$"
gwtxtOnMouseEnter !SatImgShow
gwtxtOnMouseLeave !SatImgHide
;GetWeatherImage - mess with the placement, but dont touch the var.
gwimgY 10
gwimgX 1030
gwimgWidth 35
gwimgHeight 30
gwimgImage $WX1CondImage$
gwSatY 60
gwSatX -440
gwSatWidth 440
gwSatHeight 297
gwSatImage $SatImg$
gwIsoY 60
gwIsoX -410
gwIsoWidth 410
gwIsoHeight 287
gwIsoImage $IsoImg$
gwRadY 60
gwRadX -240
gwRadWidth 240
gwRadHeight 240
gwRadImage $RadImg$
gwleftY 45
gwleftX 1028
gwleftWidth 9
gwleftHeight 9
gwleftOnLeftClick !prevImg
gwleftJustify Center
gwleftText ""