Posted by member 36955 on 2003-09-28 02:56:08 link

the current version of getweather hasnt worked in quite a while... the html format of the page has changed, so thats why all of the elements are n/a...

i have an updated version that worked for a while, and i emailed it to brian, who wrote the script, but he didnt respond... i was going to just release it, but it stopped working a few months ago, and now the script doesnt do anything, and the wscript process never terminates. i narrowed the problem down to the section that sends the http get request...
Set http = createObject("microsoft.xmlHttp") "GET",WeatherURL,False 'Synchronous mode - wait for URL to respond.
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox WeatherURL & " " & Err.Description
End If
http.send "" 'this line never finishes executing

and since i know hardly anything about vbasic, i dont know what the problem might be... it could be that it is specific to my computer, so if you want to try it out, i can send you the version i updated... i get the feeling it might be specific to my computer, since i only changed the regexps that parse the info after it has been downloaded, and your computer seems to be able to get through that line just fine... so try my version here and see if that works