hmmm...hi everyone.
ive almost got a working weather script, accomplished by splicing together getWeather code and some code from a Samurize vbscript (!). works quite well.
the only problem im having is with the label!
my label calls variables $conditions$, $feelslike$, $barometer$, $temperature$, $wind$, and $WX1condimg$, but only reads them once (from a text file included from a .rc), on litestep startup/refresh. even using labelUpdateInterval 2000, its not updating its dynamic content until i refresh.
have a look at my code, see whats going on here.
gwtxtY 4
gwtxtX 1065
gwtxtWidth 200
gwtxtHeight 34
gwtxtJustify Left
gwtxtTransparent True
gwtxtText "Conditions: $Conditions$\nTemperature: $Temperature$\nWind: $Wind$\nPressure: $Barometer$"
gwtxtUpdateInterval 2000
gwimgY 6
gwimgX 1030
gwimgWidth 30
gwimgHeight 30
gwimgImage $WX1CondImage$
gwimgUpdateInterval 2000
spot anything odd? is there a way to reload only certain labels? or even better, is there a way to refresh certain string variables?