DESKTOP Thread last updated on 2003-05-11 18:16:00

Posted by member 32291 on 2003-05-11 15:11:15

hello... im new here.. and i very very like thel ite step... but its sad that its not a multilagual..
ok so i have soem questions...
- how can i move icons on desktop?i have some my shortcuts only 8.. in dir shortcuts.. i have 25.. where is others?
- how can i arange (sort)and move icons on desktop as i like?
where is my my computer icon...bin :((


Posted by member 2112 on 2003-05-11 18:16:00 link

Sounds like you are running the Simplicity theme. Have you read the readme file for that theme? I'm pretty sure it gives you instructions on how to display more shortcuts.

You will find My Computer and the Recycle Bin in your popup menu under system.