Keyboard problem Thread last updated on 2003-04-20 14:51:16

Posted by member 16108 on 2003-04-20 06:29:44

Here is my problem, though I don't know if it is related to LiteStep or not (but I suspect it is).

I am using LiteStep with a French WinXP (since I'm French and type heavily).

When I use Illustrator 8 (or Freehand 10), after a certain amount of time (very shortly), the keyboard reverse to English, so all my shortcuts are messed up, which is a real pain in the ass.
I don't know how it occurs, but I suspect the alt key (or a combination of it with another key) to be the cause of this mess.
I have commented every shortcut I could find in any file of LiteStep, but it doesn't work. To get my keyboard ok, I must quit my app and go back in it.
Did I miss something? Have you guys (non English or American guys) experienced the same problem?
Thanks for any help you could give me.

Posted by member 7223 on 2003-04-20 09:25:45 link

I don't use Illustrator or Freehand, but I'm french too and I never had keyboard problem with Litestep.

Posted by member 1783 on 2003-04-20 11:38:44 link

go: control panel -> regional and language options -> languages -> details -> key settings
there you can configure input language switching 'n stuff ;)

Posted by member 16108 on 2003-04-20 14:51:16 link

Thanks a lot Egonz, I went there and deleted US and English KB, now it seems to work very fine. (My productivity is back, thanks to you :))
It does not explain the problem though, and means that Litestep is not guilty ;)
Many many thanks again.
/me danse my keyboard danse...