Losing Focus Thread last updated on 2003-04-23 01:35:14

Posted by member 14785 on 2003-04-15 23:31:10

I have a ckhotspot set to the bottom of my screen, and when it enters, it shows everything, tasks, systray2, wharfx, lsxcommand, and rabidvwm. But then the current window loses focus. How can I have focus stay on the window? I don't think it's lsxcommand because it doesn't have the blinking cursor.


Posted by member 1 on 2003-04-16 01:00:49 link

the last item shown will get focus...nothing you can do about that. No reason to activate a hotspot and not do something with it.

Posted by member 7223 on 2003-04-16 01:07:34 link

The hotspot is a window. The popup is a window. The desktop is a window. Everything under Windows(c) is a window...
Then, it's normal that the current window loses focus when you enter (activate) the hotspot.
You're using RabidVWM! Fine! But you should use One.dll, too!

Add this to your step.rc:
VWMOnMoveWindow !VarSet WinHandle ^@ch^

Add this to your hotspot mouse out !bang:
!VWMExec !One "^@wc(#h %{WinHandle})^" "^@wt(#h %{WinHandle})^"

I haven't test it, but it should work

Posted by member 1 on 2003-04-16 01:26:00 link

why would you activate a hotspot and then wish to continue to work in your current window...I am just missing the point. Anyways...what is it with all these people and their damned hotspots. What is wrong with a good ole hotkey?

Posted by member 15023 on 2003-04-16 01:46:40 link

Personally I want to do the most I can without using the keyboard. Gotta keep a free hand for drinking and such (don't think too far into that......perverts). If I could type with my mouse, I would.

Posted by member 7 on 2003-04-16 07:04:05 link

Try to track this down to certain module(s)... ie. check what happens if the hotspot only makes e.g. systray2 visible. If it's a module specific issue there might be a way around that.

Posted by member 1783 on 2003-04-16 09:18:41 link

i, personally, prefer to have quick ways to change the desktop quickly both with the keyboard ant the mouse. when i'm typing i don't want to grab the mouse nor do i want to slide out the keyboard when i'm browsing with the mouse so it's good to have hotspots and hotkeys both :)

Posted by member 25290 on 2003-04-16 20:26:35 link

Hi folks
I'm from Brazil and having the same problem with some sites at the institution I work for. They use a javascript go() function. The problem is that after executing window.open it looses the focus and the page is loaded in the same browser window that submitted it. Is there any workaround I can use? I loved to hearing from LiteStep again. I used it sometime ago with Win98. I would love to use it at my job and I cannot change the javascript code because it's working on all browser versions (Linux and Windows) we've tested so far.
Here follows the function text:
function go ( )
formPage = document.formPage;
wOpen = window.open( "", "new_page", "top=10,left=10,height=530,width=785,menubar=no,location=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=yes" );
setTimeout("formPage.submit(); wOpen.focus();",200);

Posted by member 99 on 2003-04-21 00:31:45 link

Did you ever narrow this down?

I think it is lsxcommand, as it's using SW_SHOWWINDOW in its bang command rather than SW_SHOWNA or SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE. I've seen it show exactly this behavior when shown/hidden by itself under certain conditions. (ie, steals focus, does not show blinking cursor)

Posted by member 7 on 2003-04-21 08:06:55 link

RabidCow: that was my guess too. If you don't have any additional modifications for lsxcommand I'll release a patched version later including a fix for some font issue that never left my hdd for some reason.

Posted by member 99 on 2003-04-21 10:43:26 link

Please do :)

The only other thing I've changed: There's a small GDI resource leak, for which I believe I added:
to the end of quitModule.

Posted by member 14785 on 2003-04-22 19:31:31 link

Well, lsxcommand takes focus if I use the !ToggleCommand bang. If I use !CommandShow/Hide, it doesn't. Show/hide is more foolproof for hotspots, so I've been using it recently. It seems to work now.

ilmcuts, this situation still happens with the version you emailed me. I don't know how else to test it because I don't know what it exactly fixes.

Posted by member 7 on 2003-04-23 01:35:14 link

Try removing all modules from your hotspot (if that makes any sense) until you find the one that's stealing the focus.