popsicle - wtf Thread last updated on 2006-10-09 07:05:27

Posted by member 49447 on 2006-10-05 07:25:42

well here i am, -
don't be a d#ck West. I wasn't trying to give out proprietary info or anything, its just a bg. I really liked the theme, a lot; there, do you feel better.
I know you put a lot into it, and you are probably one of the better LS theme designers - if not the best. At least all of your shit seems to work. And it looks great. And the reason I get to these threads a little late, is cuz I was in Iraq for the last 9 months.
And oh, there is a CPU usage problem.
When you turn off, or use the Contol Panel to set the system to "No Sounds", processor usage goes to 50-100% and stays there until you recycle the theme or restart LS. At least mine keeps doing it, thought it might be a bug that you would want to know about my friend.

Posted by member 1885 on 2006-10-05 09:50:19 link

"don't be a d#ck West. I wasn't trying to give out proprietary info or anything, its just a bg."

I didn't lock the thread because you were giving out info (the link is still there, right?), I locked the thread because it was old and you bumped it. Sorry if you felt that I was being a d!ck, I was merely explaining why it seemed that I "didn't want anyone to have it". I'm just sick of people asking about wallpapers, wallpapers, wallpapers while showing no interest in the work I've done. In most cases I can't remember exactly where I got the wallpapers, and I'm not going to sit and browse through some slow as sh!t website like deviantart to locate them again, all for some joker who in most cases can't even be bothered to say thanks.

"And oh, there is a CPU usage problem.
When you turn off, or use the Contol Panel to set the system to "No Sounds", processor usage goes to 50-100% and stays there until you recycle the theme or restart LS. At least mine keeps doing it, thought it might be a bug that you would want to know about my friend."

Hmm. Haven't encountered that, nor has anyone else reported it. Tried it just now and I saw no CPU usage out of the ordinary. What version of popsicle are we talking about here? Also, does it happen only with popsicle or with any other themes as well?

edit: oh, popsicle has a dedicated forum btw...

Posted by member 49447 on 2006-10-05 10:44:57 link

I am using the latest one from West nest 0.1.2
And thanks for the theme - it rocks - I really like it.
It still keeps doing that when I turn off the system sounds in control panel just with Popsicle as far as I can see. - - I will just reinstall LS, no biggie.

"I'm just sick of people asking about wallpapers, wallpapers, wallpapers while showing no interest in the work I've done."

They downloaded the theme didn't they man. Just relax - no big deal. You do good work, don't let these noobs get to you with there wallpaper fetishes. They still have to download theme don't they, so don't concern yourself with the idiots that just want the wallpapers, talk to the ones that actually report bugs and help you make your work even better. That's progress.
Gotta admit though - that is a catchy lookin' background with that theme the way you show it. Marketing?

Posted by member 5575 on 2006-10-05 18:35:20 link

That change in options does a !popuprescan. If I were a betting man I'd put my money on that as the culprit. If you modify your personal popup settings you can probably eliminate this glitch. What do you have set for xPopupCachelevel?

Posted by member 1885 on 2006-10-06 00:59:43 link

Um, I don't think he turns the sound off from the theme menu, he turns it off in the Control Panel. That's the weird thing. I don't see how that could possibly affect an LS theme...

cilcannonvryce: What's your Windows version?

Posted by member 346941 on 2006-10-07 10:18:19 link

For some reason my cilcannonvryce login won't function properly - I complained to the admin about it, but no luck so I signed up for a new account.
I am using XP - fully updated.

Posted by member 346941 on 2006-10-07 10:22:23 link

I am using Xp - fully updated

Posted by member 1 on 2006-10-07 13:13:17 link

Complained to what admin about it?

Posted by member 5575 on 2006-10-07 21:37:58 link

Your evil twin perhaps? AnGeLbOi?

Posted by member 212670 on 2006-10-08 00:12:03 link

That sounds like Foley fodder...

Posted by member 5575 on 2006-10-08 12:11:09 link

Perhaps. ;)

Ya know, I heard the other day that Republican congressmen don't like to use bookmarks. Apparently they prefer to just bend the page over.

Posted by member 212670 on 2006-10-08 14:07:54 link

Omg... that is too funny.

Posted by member 248213 on 2006-10-09 07:05:27 link
