Right-click menu? The programs list scrolls way too slow in the theme I'm using (QuickStep) and I'm wondering if/where the value is to make it scroll faster? I'm not really a coder, so I wouldn't know where to look...
PopupScrollSpeed 1
thats in the QuickStep/config/popup.rc file. try changing it to a higher value.
That didn't seem to work, after recycling or restarting my computer. I changed the value to 5, 10, 20, and 30 and I saw no difference in the scrolling speed.
Does the popup use transparency effects? Adding transparency often forces the popup to slow down. Try disabling transparency.
I'm not sure weather this means it uses transparency or not...
And would the PopupEntryColor and PopupSelEntryColor being set to 000000 be set as transparency?
Changing "PopupScrollSpeed 1" in the \quickstep\config\popup.rc won't work, because it also exists in \personal\popup.rc. It needs to be changed there. The entry in the theme isn't actually doing anything. As a second entry, it gets discarded.
There is no such value in \personal\popup.rc . Infact, there aren't even any numbers in that file.
Oops, it's in \personal\personal.rc
Don't be scared to look in other files...they won't bite you.