VWM Swap Thread last updated on 2005-08-13 07:40:46

Posted by member 258027 on 2005-08-12 05:04:47

Im trying to find a way to use popup to make a shortcut to make the VWM previewer (If you dont know what I mean, the little box that you can change desktops with) swap between two states, namely - VWMAlwaysOnTop.

In short, I want the shortcut to do thus-
(pardon the coding style, I know it's MASSIVELY different in LS; just figured it would help get the point across)

If (VWMAlwaysOnTop == True)
VWMAlwaysOnTop = False;
else if (VWMAlwaysOnTop == False)
VWMAlwaysOnTop = True;

In english, swap the states without !recycle.

If it's been done, I cant find notation of it - so uhh... can I have it... please? Ill thank you kindly!

If it hasn't been done, perhaps some of you much much much smarter than I can help me figure it out.

For reference -

LS Build 0.24.7

Popup Vers. popup2-2.1.7

rabidvwm Vers. rabidvwm-1.2.2

I have already made some "large" alterations that deviate from OTS (namely, I ripped out the personal popup.rc), so feel free to tare anything else up in order to make this work...

Anyhow, thanks in advance!

Amejin (Fate)

Posted by member 248213 on 2005-08-12 08:00:15 link

Why would you want to swap the states? IDK, and I am pretty sure I dont understand...

But here is the xPopup and RabidVWM config anyway:

*Popup "Set VWM AlwaysOnTop True" !VWMToggleOnTop
*Popup "Set VWM AlwaysOnTop False" !VWMToggleOnTop true

Is that what you want?

anyway, I feel I should either be asking for more information (Like why?) or telling you to read the manual...

Posted by member 258027 on 2005-08-12 15:03:34 link

The idea is to make a quick swap so I can work full screen on multiple graphics/media editing software simultaniously. However, the little box can get annoying sometimes, and I wanted to find a way to make it go away.

In otherwords, it was a rudimentary way to quadruple workspace.

Hope that makes sense.

Either way, Thank you very much! You've been very helpful.


Posted by member 248213 on 2005-08-13 00:51:21 link

" quadruple workspace " ???!?! wtf?

This is what VWM do (multiply workspace), I was asking about your problem.

You should read the docs: I thnk all you want is to toggle the VWM alwaysontop. And it sounds like a hotkey would better suit your needs.


Posted by member 258027 on 2005-08-13 07:40:46 link

To me, it was easier to just pop up the window, slide the mouse down and click the window that has the program I need. When Im done using all 4 programs (in full screen mode) I simply turn off the vwmontop. Usually, I have photoshop, fireworks, Flash/Dreamweaver, and a browser or 2 open at any given time. It makes it easy to click a window at the bottom of the screen and open all the windows up at once. granted, alt+tab would work just as well, but since it's there I wanted to put it in. The purpose of litestep is to make "my" productivity better :) It works for me, so Im happy with it.

Again, thanks for the help, and thanks for the suggestions. Please dont take my reply as a "FU" but rather, I like how I have it set up, and it works for me.

Take care,
