Need dial-up pop-up Thread last updated on 2004-08-18 16:20:48

Posted by member 192547 on 2004-08-18 01:45:10

Hi all, fairly new to litestep, what im unsure of is how to add a dial-up connection to my popups.rc

obviously it starts
*Popup "Name" "Location" and I know that a dial-up connection is a {HEX-STRING} but how do I find out what that string is and how do I then reference that in the popup.rc??

Normally I have my dial-up connection on my desktop (drag and shift-drop in explorer)and just connect from that, but it would be nice to have it on my popup list.

Thanks for the help.

Posted by member 37809 on 2004-08-18 16:20:48 link

Make a windows shortcut to your connection and reference that .lnk file in your popup, if you don't want to put it in a folder and use the !Popup(dynamic)Folder mechanism of popup2...

Should that fail there's some obscure ancient/lost classID fix you had to use for win9x; should work for later platforms however.