How to Customize LS Thread last updated on 2004-07-12 12:29:00

Posted by member 180251 on 2004-07-09 09:32:28

I've read pretty much all the stickys here, tried to bodge my way through the text files that came with Litestep, have googled numerous times, and have tried using the search function here (but it seems to be down temporarily) but have yet to find what I'm looking for.
When I first went to edit the popup.rc file, I was blasted with a bunch of code I didn't understand. Simply by staring at it for a while I was able to get the just of it, but still could not really understand it. Being one to try his hardest to follow directions, I did as the people here have said and tried reading the documents in "lifestep>module docs" for help. Once again I was blasted with a bunch of stuff I didn't understand. It gives examples, which is great and all, but why would I want examples if there is no good explanation for them? Like what the heck do the "$" signs mean? Where and when are you supposed to put certain commands and such? I really cannot find anything at all on the basic syntax for whatever sort of language is used to LS and it is making me frustrated. I would love to learn how to use it but I really cannot find anywhere that will explain it.
If I have overlooked a text file somewhere, or missed an important post here please direct me to it so that I can learn to operate this a little more efficiently and customize it to my likings. I'm willing to spend however long it takes to learn how to use LS, but I just need to be shown where to go to do so.

Posted by member 31 on 2004-07-09 10:47:48 link is slightly out of date, but should help in understanding how the config files work. Basically your configuration files in the simplest sense are parsed into four different data types: integer, string, boolean, color. While the remaining lines are parsed as tokens. Examples (note a semicolon denotes a comment in the config):
TasksDirection "right" ; string
TasksMaxTiles 40 ; integer
TasksBgColor C0C0C0 ; hex color value
TasksUseSystemHook TRUE ; boolean
*TasksWrapCmd 1 "!jDeskSetWorkArea 0,0,36,-16" ; tokens

That is the basis of the configuration files. You have to read each modules documentation to understand what data type each setting is, and what they affect. (note: the first word on each line is the setting name)

Also, the Litestep "core" contains no GUI functionality (for the most part), and depends completely on 3rd party modules (plugins) to implement a useable desktop. These modules are loaded via the "LoadModule" command (example):
LoadModule "c:\litestep\modules\tasks.dll"

Now, if you are trying to understand the configuration files that come with Omar's Litestep Installer... good luck. They involve a ton of scripting and use of variables (variables are the $dollarsign$ stuff (see the lsdocs link for info).

My suggestion, if you really want to learn Litestep is to get the 0.24.7 RC3 core files, create a blank step.rc configuration file. Download jkey.dll. Learn how to use jkey.dll to launch programs via hotkeys. Here would be my suggested initial step.rc config:
LoadModule "c:\LSTest\modules\jkey.dll"

*jKey CTRL+ALT R !recycle
*jKey CTRL+ALT S notepad "c:\LSTest\step.rc"
*jKey CTRL+ALT Q !quit
*jKey CTRL+ALT E explorer

The "!recycle" line will reload your configuration.
The "notepad" line will open your config file in notepad
The "!quit" line will quit litestep
The "explorer" line will open up explorer file manager

I assume you put all of this in the folder "C:\LSTest" with a "modules" sub directory where you put jKey.dll (and other modules you download).

To use this example setup, quit (but do not uninstall) your current version of Litestep (read the theme documents to figure out how) then launch the litestep.exe in the LSTest folder. Nothing will appear, but the hotkeys should work, and you can go from there. Good luck, and ask questions. Join #litestep if you want.

Posted by member 180251 on 2004-07-09 23:13:20 link

thanks a lot jugg, that was what i was looking for. after playing around with it some today, i am starting to get the hang of it and am definitly going to try to learn it the way you specified. i'll follow your advice only i'll modify it a bit to fit my needs better.

i cant seem to find anything that mentions how to quit but not uninstall though...can you go into some more detail on that or tell me exactly where to look? the readme doesnt mention it

i have to admit i was kind of weary about posting here the first time, this being my first attempt at a new shell i was kind of scared of the reaction my question would get. i would just like to thank you for your good reply and for not flaming me :)

Posted by member 31 on 2004-07-12 12:29:00 link

Press CTRL+ALT+F1 and the "recovery" menu will appear. From there you can quit litestep.