multimonitor theme support Thread last updated on 2003-12-05 00:36:58

Posted by member 86006 on 2003-12-04 03:00:25

If i have a random theme and i want to make sure it is multi-monitor (read 3-monitor) compliant, how would i go about doing that? Is it as simple as checking where the bars dock on the screen and changing that (and if it is, how would i go about doing that?) and disabling the VWM, or do i have to do something more?


Posted by member 1316 on 2003-12-04 12:13:40 link

if the theme doesn't use rabidvwm, then start using it. I believe it's the only vwm that correctly supports multi-monitor support (as long as it's set up correctly). however, if you don't want a vwm, then it shouldn't be that difficult (I don't believe).

Posted by member 99 on 2003-12-04 13:10:38 link

If it's an option, having the primary monitor be the farthest left/up will give you the easiest time. Then you just have to mess with all of the positions.

If you have to have one of the secondary monitors above/the the left, fixing the positions might get very difficult if not impossible.

and any themes that load completely in lsboxes should be very easy to make work. (the boxes will be stuck on the primary monitor, but they won't get messed up)

Posted by member 86006 on 2003-12-05 00:36:58 link

rabid, can you recommend me one or two that i can get started with, so i can figure it all out. Also, unfortunately, one of the secondaries is on top, so is there anything in particular i should watch out for?