Popup custom icons Thread last updated on 2003-11-04 01:38:47

Posted by member 12025 on 2003-11-04 00:04:37

OK, I could have sworn there was the ability to use custom icons for a popup entry.
*Popup &MetaPad .icon=C:\metapad.exe,1 c:\metapad.exe

I found that. So...
*popup VWM .icon=c:\winnt\system32\shell32.dll,1 !popup

What keeps that one from working? The entry text displays, clicking does nothing, and no icon. If I remove the .icon="" part, it works, of course. With the .icon="" part after, it works, but no icon.
How can I get a custom icon in there? Also, if I can get them working, will PNGs or BMPs work (I have them currently as 16x16 PNGs)?

Posted by member 7223 on 2003-11-04 00:29:02 link

*popup .icon=c:\winnt\system32\shell32.dll,1 VWM !popup

should work!

Posted by member 12025 on 2003-11-04 01:38:47 link

OK, added that to the popup I was working on, no go (got text, got the !popup, no icon).
Added it to my current theme popup...worked.
OK, no more including files from different theme directories for me! :)