does anyone have an ENGLISH readme for gandharva? all I can seem to find is the original(?) japanese version (at least I think it's japanese, but then again I'm not a foreign language expert, so what do I know).
HERE's the properties of it. i copied it from Saphardana's manual by Phar0e.
you just have to figure out what they do ;)
well, it's better (and easier) than learning japanese just to configure a module. thanks. :P
What does it do than dynamp don't ?
the manual is written in japanese and i'm a f***ing 17-year old european. how the hell should i know? :D
anyway, is there any japanese people around? care for a little translation puzzle? ;)
I was in spanish 1 for 4 years in high school. I have about as much chance of learning japanese as a monkey does of marrying halle berry. ;)
does babel fish translate japanese.
Try here....