Posted by member 602 on 2003-08-23 04:13:12 link

Meeting took place. Here's what was decided.

As decided before the theme will consist of seven section; shortcuts, VWM, WinAmp controll and so on. These sections can be toggled and will automatically reposition themselves. The "bar" they form can be positioned by the top or by the bottom of the screen.

03:08:22 #Litestep

I got green light for the graphics with some minor additions. More color variants needed. A preview of the various color combinations will be uploaded to my profile. It shows the Player/LSxCommand section.

It was also decided that we would try to make the sections draggable using shortcut3. A config panel will be constructed for the theme so most settings will be found there and not in the theme popup. Egonz and LS-Universe are working on that code now.

The theme will be constructed according to both OTS 1.0 and OTS 2.0. The theme will automatically choose the right mode (is this possible? Ok we will try at least).

That's it for now. Stay tuned for updates.