Posted by member 36003 on 2003-07-14 19:38:29 link

you could also analogize (if thats a word) your topic to that music that has no meaning...

ie, for instance punk music dealing with political issues (anti flag for instance) VS something like, BSB or Nsync, or Techno or Trance (music w/o lyrics). its about enjoying the experiance in most cases.
i enjoy my punk just as much as i enjoy my trance.

I Like, the fact ppl have the sense to use litestep as a creative outlet and try things such as the second link you posted, as a bad design.

Or the winamp link for instance, very sleek looking. granted its probably one of the least 'functional' designs next to some of ive seen, but as long as the end users experiance is a good one then the artist did his job.

I dont think this is a matter of looking cool at all. i think this is a case where someone has an idea, and goes on it.

to go on a tangent, i think piccaso's (excuse spelling, you know, that famous abstract artist) work is utterly ugly, just my opinion, but i enjoy the experiance looking at some of his work, it makes me think.

anyways while im still semi-concious i will finish this off.

Dont mock or call someones work stupid (thats what i got from your post)because its not met at someone, or some groups standards of cool, functional or usable. not everyone sees things in your eyes.
You have the right to critisize as you wish, but you came across wrong. then again in my semi-concious state you coulda posed it quite nicely and i mis-read all of it.

anyways, your argument seems to have been a waste of my time, though i still find a need to post such a long *** post.

good evening


btw your comment here:
An even better example would be that of Cubic Player, an old DOS application with an absolutely unbeatable UI unmatched by any music playing program ever.

First off that comment right there, completely opinionated, not to mention im sure a completely hotkeyed player is alot more functional then any other UI out there (thats an opinion btw, all of which can be debated).

Probably worthless to mention it though, as most arent children of that era, but some of you may remember.

this quote made me laugh, because you come off as a person trying to introduce an already beaten topic to death, with some new content and what not, and then you go off to say that we wouldnt know a good interface because we never experianced cube player. (thats what i got from it).

granted, i started on windows 3.1 and didnt experiance that specific program, though i did deal with alot of dos back then. this doesnt mean i dont know good design, good UI's or w/e else.

gah w/e i aint going to start an argument over this.

anyways to finish off again, there is nothing wrong with the following links you showed, someone work in different ways then others.