Posted by member 42328 on 2003-07-09 21:16:15 link

The problems were two fold. First of all, I couldn't get anythign to happen except for label. It just so happens that label allows lsbox to process the LsBoxOnRightClick message. That part was working. However, I had set the entire lsbox as a draggable area and the draggable area overrides the LsBoxOnRightClick. Altering the draggable area corrected that problem.

Lastly, I installed the lsbox3.0-pre and used the right click code to get it to work for my shortcut. You can do this with the following code:

*Shortcut "Tasks/Popup" $vartaskx$ $vartasky$ tasks.png taskshov.png tasks.png #1 [!popuptasks][!popup]

It is kind of documented, but its not very obvious.
