Posted by member 99 on 2003-07-03 10:49:07 link

Why do you want this? I don't think it's possible to put an actualy $ in there, the best you can do is probably to use something that will evaluate to $:
!varset p "%"
!varset d "$"
!varset IconFolder "%{p}{d}documents%{p}{d}"
!exec !alert "%{IconFolder}"
!exec !exec !alert "%{IconFolder}"
or use # instead of {d}, but I've got an older version of mzScript loaded.

It might be possible if it expands its own %{vars} but does not call VarExpansion before assigning the value to the variable, but you wouldn't get the $$s back out at the other end, they would expand immediately. (and "not expanding vars" might be %{vars}?)