Posted by member 32550 on 2003-06-26 06:09:05 link

yes this is a normal problem, but you can do something, just "Hideall". this is a little work, but it works ;) *ggg*

here you are:
1. make sure you are loading the mzscript.dll
2. make a new file in your ThemeDir calles "script.rc"
3. write this line in the step.rc (theme step of course)
mzScriptFile $dirTheme$script.rc

4. copy this script into your script.rc...
*script bang !hideall
*script gotoif ("%{hidden}" = "on") 1
*script exec !varset version "1"
*script exec !varset hidden "on"
*script exec !jdesksetworkarea "8,-8,8,-8"
*script exec !systrayhide
*script exec !sidelabelhide
*script exec !quotelabelhide
*script exec !movelabelhide
*script exec !move1labelhide
*script exec !commandhide
*script exec !tasklabelhide
*script exec !vwmlabelhide
*script exec !chronoshide
*script exec !hideslidergroup 1
*script exec !hideslidergroup 2
*script exec !shortcutgrouphide 1 2 5 10 11 12 13 14 15 111 112
*script exit
*script label 1
*script exec !varset hidden "off"
*script exec !jDeskResetWorkArea
*script exec !systrayshow
*script exec !sidelabelshow
*script exec !quotelabelshow
*script exec !movelabelshow
*script exec !move1labelshow
*script exec !tasklabelshow
*script exec !chronosshow
*script exec !commandshow
*script exec !shortcutgroupshow 1 2 10 11 111
*script ~bang

and change it (you can see where hides and shows again all)
This is very simple, so you only have to take ALL labels, shortcuts, VWM, systray and hide or show that stuff (on showing again you have to be carefull whith the theme but you will see, don't be afraid, I mean nothing hard)
5. Hotkeys.dll should be loaded so write down this line (or an other Hotkey you prefer)
*Hotkey Win H !hideall

so you can hide all images if you want to play, and show them again when you are finished :)