Posted by member 333 on 2003-05-02 03:27:45 link

I'd like to see this sort of stuff, but I doubt that many mod-authors would bother putting the commands in twice. What you need is some sort of script that detects this sort of things. It doesn't necessarily need to be that difficult: it would only need to (probably by regexp) pull out all settings from a readme by giving the script (or whatever) the relevant modules main setting, ie: for tasks.dll it would need to copy all settings that start with "Tasks" to specified file.

Obviously you'll need to make the script only copy commands once. I realize that there are differences in pretty much every readme, and it would be hard to find a perfect way to include all and only the actual commands, but it might be possible. It sure is worth a shot unless you wanna cut'n'paste a million settings from all the modules...