Posted by member 7223 on 2003-04-14 21:04:00 link

DrWorm, I don't really understand what you want to do.
I think you want to resize your label when icons are add to the systray. If I'm right, you must use mzscript and define a var:

*Script start !VarSet trayitems
*Script start !ReloadModule "$LitestepDir$Systray2.dll"

SystrayOnAdd !Execute [!VarAdd trayitems 1][!Exec !VarSet tmp -%{trayitems}][!VarMul tmp $SystrayIconSize+SystrayIconSpacingX$][!VarAdd tmp $LabelWidth-SystrayBorderLeft-SystrayBorderRight$][!Exec !LabelResize %{tmp} $LabelHeight$]
SystrayOnDel !Execute [!VarAdd trayitems -1][!Exec !VarSet tmp -%{trayitems}][!VarMul tmp $SystrayIconSize+SystrayIconSpacingX$][!VarAdd tmp $LabelWidth-SystrayBorderLeft-SystrayBorderRight$][!Exec !LabelResize %{tmp} $LabelHeight$]

Quite simple, isn't it ?