Posted by member 28719 on 2007-08-25 20:28:17 link

So how do i keep it from having a 'taskbar'? in tasks I give it a direction, right and down or right and up, and a count and it sets up nice little rows of boxed icons. Here is an example of how I got it set up:

TasksDirection right
TasksWrapDirection down
TasksWrapCount 14
TasksBgImage task.bmp
TasksSelBgImage task-sel.bmp
TasksMinBgImage task-min.bmp
TasksX 610
TasksY 0
TasksHeight 48
TasksWidth 48
TasksIconSize 32
TasksBorderX 8
TasksBorderY 8

this one is from Amulet, which has rather large task icons and framed boxes around them and background colors that represent selected, background, and minimize... Could you give me an example that would do the same thing for xtaskbar? Once I see it for one I am sure I could duplicate it for others...