Posted by member 378304 on 2007-08-07 16:13:07 link
so apperently she had rescripted the code so it works better, becuse im geting error messages for each minute. She used Mzscript.dll to do this.
This is the code for the current clock, if anyone knows how to rescript this into hers, please tell me how. She won't give me the special code. Nevermind the foobar code that's in there.
Code in script.rc:
*Script start !startup
*Script start !mojotime
*Script bang !startup
*Script exec !LabelInfoExport _cds_cur "[line('$PersonalDir$foobar.rc',2)]"
*Script exec !LabelRefresh Cover CoverImage "%{_cds_cur}\folder.png"
*Script exec !varremove _cds_cur
*Script ~bang
*script bang !texttime
*script exec !varset d "%#DATE_%{day}%#"
*script gotoif ("%{hour}:%{minute}" = "12:00") noon
*script gotoif ("%{hour}:%{minute}" = "0:00") midnight
*script exec !varset h %{hour}
*script exec !varset m %{minute}
*script exec !ifeval ("%{h}" > "11") '|varadd h -12'
*script exec !ifeval ("%{h}" = "0") '|varset h 12'
*script exec !varset h "%#TIME_%{h}%#"
*script exec !ifeval ("%{m}" < "10") {|varset m "O' %#TIME_%{m}%#"} else {|varset m "%#TIME_%{m}%#"}
*script exec !LabelSetText Time " [date('dddd, mmmm')] %{d} %{h} %{m} [time('am/pm')]"
*script exit
*script label midnight
*script exec !LabelSetText Time " [date('dddd, mmmm dd')] Midnight"
*script exit
*script label noon
*script exec !LabelSetText Time " [date('dddd, mmmm dd')] Noon"
*script ~bang
Code in theme.rc:
*Timer timer #s 1s !execute [!startup][!texttime][!netunloadmodule timer-0.5]
*mzScriptFile "$ConfigDir$script.rc"
mzBangChar |
mzScriptUseStep false
mzListSeparator :
mzAutosaveVars immediately
mzScriptOldSyntax false
mzNoStartOnRefresh true
mzScriptNoCreate false
This is the code for the current clock, if anyone knows how to rescript this into hers, please tell me how. She won't give me the special code. Nevermind the foobar code that's in there.
Code in script.rc:
*Script start !startup
*Script start !mojotime
*Script bang !startup
*Script exec !LabelInfoExport _cds_cur "[line('$PersonalDir$foobar.rc',2)]"
*Script exec !LabelRefresh Cover CoverImage "%{_cds_cur}\folder.png"
*Script exec !varremove _cds_cur
*Script ~bang
*script bang !texttime
*script exec !varset d "%#DATE_%{day}%#"
*script gotoif ("%{hour}:%{minute}" = "12:00") noon
*script gotoif ("%{hour}:%{minute}" = "0:00") midnight
*script exec !varset h %{hour}
*script exec !varset m %{minute}
*script exec !ifeval ("%{h}" > "11") '|varadd h -12'
*script exec !ifeval ("%{h}" = "0") '|varset h 12'
*script exec !varset h "%#TIME_%{h}%#"
*script exec !ifeval ("%{m}" < "10") {|varset m "O' %#TIME_%{m}%#"} else {|varset m "%#TIME_%{m}%#"}
*script exec !LabelSetText Time " [date('dddd, mmmm')] %{d} %{h} %{m} [time('am/pm')]"
*script exit
*script label midnight
*script exec !LabelSetText Time " [date('dddd, mmmm dd')] Midnight"
*script exit
*script label noon
*script exec !LabelSetText Time " [date('dddd, mmmm dd')] Noon"
*script ~bang
Code in theme.rc:
*Timer timer #s 1s !execute [!startup][!texttime][!netunloadmodule timer-0.5]
*mzScriptFile "$ConfigDir$script.rc"
mzBangChar |
mzScriptUseStep false
mzListSeparator :
mzAutosaveVars immediately
mzScriptOldSyntax false
mzNoStartOnRefresh true
mzScriptNoCreate false