Posted by member 1 on 2007-07-30 19:25:38 link

DeViLbOi: Yes. You, as the fanbase, ARE responsible for what's on YouTube. Or rather, what's not there, at the moment. You should have video out there of why someone should choose to put LS on their system. You should be competing for developers. Beryl/Compiz' userbase are skyrocketing right now, because there is an absolute *crapload* of video out there that shows off how they work, what they do, and just general wow factor. Vista appears to have a good following, as well. People have decided they *like* eyecandy. is the strange part of the little M$ world you don't seem to understand. That whole vista ooh and ahhh that you see and the pretty little Aero windows and handy little sidebar. That came from LS. Those programmers that worked on that...yea...they came from LS too. We understand our place in the windows world. We are not front runners, we are not here to take over the world. We are computer geeks that are unhappy with the way things are and are happy to change them. However, the computer geeks that have been around for a while have real lives and real jobs. None of us, with the exception of one person, get paid for anything we do for LS. We do what we can in our spare time. We don't need 15 million users, we are quite happy with the 300,000 geeks we have. Now, if someone comes along and wants to do something and support the community in some way we will take it without question. Hence why I asked you to rewrite the front page that you had such an issue with.

As for the Ubuntu website, etc... Well, I wouldn't expect that you would have the same layout (which is probably a good thing), but the quality of content is achievable, at least in part. Howtos are fairly easy to make, requiring mainly a basic familiarity with the subject matter, and some time. When I get myself together enough to feel comfortable installing LiteStep (and unpack one of my non-production machines to do it on), I'll be more than happy to help with documentation. As may have been mentioned earlier, your installation instructions leave a bit to be desired.

There is just one problem with all of this. It requires the time and energy of someone that is skilled enough to put that information forth. For a good 3 years now I have been without a programmer. There are tons of features we want to add to the site, and a working docs section would be in that list, however; nobody can help us get there. So once again, get off your fuckin' high horse and help out or get the hell out of dodge.