Posted by member 375904 on 2007-07-08 19:29:25 link

Little experiment:

I deleted xPC.dll from /modules and put it only in the LS-rootdir. Then I rebooted, just to be sure that nothing is left loaded in memory.

Then I use 3 themes that depend on xPC: necessidades3.0, Haga and Sysy-1.0.

Sysy-1.0 NLMs xPC, the other two don't. So I also changed theme.rc of Sysy-1.0 and commented out the line that NLMs xPC. That way xPC was not auto-loaded into /modules.

Then all three themes work, so apparently it is really sufficient to put xPC into the LS-rootdir.

There is another problem though:

If I start randomly switching between the 3 themes named above plus the austerity-theme I find that certain combinations cause errors. It seems that switching from necessidades3.0 to Haga always does this, other combinations sometimes cause the error.

Sometimes the LS-core crashes, at other times it just leads to an incomplete theme. The error is "stable" in the sense that I have seen this several times in the past days during diffent windows-sessions. It is not "stable" in the sense that it is easy to reproduce, except AFAIKT with the theme-combination I named above.

There are usually two errors-boxes "Error during module-initialization", from xtray-2.0.1.dll and NLM\NetLoadMdoule2.dll.

The point here is this:
All 4 themes work without error if activated a second time, even it LS did not crash. So all the themes are OK and it is not an obvious error made by the themer.

It would seem to me that loading and unloading modules during theme-change can destabilize the core, and I would like to suggest testing the core against this kind of situation.