Posted by member 72462 on 2007-02-15 13:56:09 link

The coding has daughted (I think that is a word) me, I only know enough to make some changes to other peoples themes to match what I am looking for (just personal use). It could be the switch to vista that is coming up and people are not willing to create new skins when faced with the "visuals" of vista. I know that LS works on vista, but could a future build of it maybe include access to some of the new features of vista? I am not entirely sure what I am refering too, but something of that sort may help. One thing I thought about, but had no idea how to incorrporate was adding a search box to the drop menu... anyway, I dont think LS is dead, just in decline with the move to vista, and I hope it will regain some popularity after the trasition is done