Posted by member 8918 on 2007-02-15 11:08:08 link

Well, here's my two cents...speaking as a graphics guy and not a coder, the first gripe I have about LS is, it is geared toward coding. In graphic design, there is a catch phrase for newbies..."KISS!"...or Keep It Simple, Stupid! If that concept were applied to the LS system, you would perhaps see a significant drop in the stupid questions categories!

In my experience, the coding is overly complicated and has taken me years to understand. and when I finally figured most of it out, OS2 came out and now I have had to start over completely. Please, understand that I knew absolutely nothing about coding until I downloaded LS. A lot of my friends think I am a computer geek now, because I have this "cool desktop and can change things to look awesome!" Which makes me feel great, so in a very real sense, LS has been a valuable educational resource for me. It (coding) has come in handy for me in everyday use of Windows systems at home, at work and in school (I am working on my Bachelor's degree in Fine Arts and 51 years old!) Not everyone is as bright as I am, and I am by far not as bright as some of you folks.

LS has to have code and I have no problems with that. (Other than my own inadequacies at coding!) What I would suggest is a GUI for changing the steps. So that instead of having to read through 10 step files to find what the hell you need to change to get rid of error messages and what not, you have a GUI that is point and click, with previews of what you will get. That, I know would be a huge amount of work for you coders, but it would make the bone heads happy. Just a thought.

BTW, when I first started coming here, I was a victim of some abuse from the old timers. But, being an artist, I am used to that. I have never seen any truly abusive comments from any of you. And the dumb questions do get old.

Keep up the good work folks.