Posted by member 12025 on 2007-02-14 22:01:04 link

They don't read the stickies, anyway. I'll give you one anecdote for why LS could be dying:
Tonight, I set up a MythTV box. It won't populate the program guide, and won't change channels w/ up/down because of that, but it works fine in every other respect. Such a thing has previously just been a carrot on a stick, every time. Read about how some guy just set it up, and some guide with 90% of the hard parts missing (yeah, like I didn't already do an apt-get update and upgrade; yet it will say nothing about getting ivtv in and working), etc.. But this time it worked.

With Ubuntu and PCLOS (I really don't like Ubuntu, but it's like Red Hat--there's all kinds of stuff about how to do things in Ubuntu, and it's sure easier than Gentoo), the stuff works, and tends not to be too hard to tweak, either. I'm not ready to switch, but I can see it happening.

The docs section linking to the wiki would be cool. But, again, people don't read the stickies, don't Google worth a ***, etc.. The docs have never been nice and organized for me, either. Often that led to asking about things that were in docs I had looked at. But that did not deter me. It has not deterred many. The promise of a system that can do all kinds of Cool Stuff™, without the headache of Windows (they're different headaches, not that *n*xes don't have them :)), with exceptional multitasking performance (as perceived, it's far superior), and even the ability, with a little Googling, to run important Windows apps (EAC, Quickbooks, Visio, etc.), well...that can lead people off.

While and then going down certain hastened it, dwindling users being drawn to other OSes is an issue that none of us can solve, except maybe to develop features we're used to as additions to E, XFCE, KDE, etc.. MS has been shooting their own feet since WGA false positives started, and all the extra DRM work in Vista (you know, instead of just working for technical excellence, which MS is certainly capable of) introduces a bad taste before even trying it.

Whether LS is dying or not, many people that might be making awesome modules and themes have given up on Windows.

Look at DA, skinbase, even The Windows customizing, beyond VS/WB, has been slowing down. xoblite appeared to have some massive activity again, but that appears to have been a fluke. When E17 gets fairly stable, I might even be tempted.

Now, pure users...that's a whole other subject, and I do not understand how such people think. As long as it doesn't horribly crash when poking around, there's got to be something to mess with...