Posted by member 348804 on 2006-12-17 19:13:22 link
ok, I like the events, I didn't know it fired on startup. so did that, and it's not liking it. literally nothing happens :(. Changed the event to just do an alert and that worked fine.
; pl014 button
*label pl014_
pl014_AddToGroup pl0
pl014_X $pl013_X+pl0space$
pl014_Image "$LSImageFolder$launch\trash_empty.ico"
pl014_OnLeftClick !PopupRecycle
pl014_OnRightClick !alert "$xTrashItemCount$"
pl014_ToolTip "Recycle Bin"
xTrashBecomesEmpty !ParseEvars !LabelRefresh pl014_ pl014_Image "$LSImageFolder$launch\trash_empty.ico"
xTrashBecomesFilled !ParseEvars !LabelRefresh pl014_ pl014_Image "$LSImageFolder$launch\trash_full.ico"
; pl014 button
*label pl014_
pl014_AddToGroup pl0
pl014_X $pl013_X+pl0space$
pl014_Image "$LSImageFolder$launch\trash_empty.ico"
pl014_OnLeftClick !PopupRecycle
pl014_OnRightClick !alert "$xTrashItemCount$"
pl014_ToolTip "Recycle Bin"
xTrashBecomesEmpty !ParseEvars !LabelRefresh pl014_ pl014_Image "$LSImageFolder$launch\trash_empty.ico"
xTrashBecomesFilled !ParseEvars !LabelRefresh pl014_ pl014_Image "$LSImageFolder$launch\trash_full.ico"